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"Today people choose brands as they choose friends. So you can´t say you´re perfect!

Pontus Nyström


The word branding comes from cowboy land. When they used a glowing stamp to mark the cattle in order to know which cow belonged to whom.

That is just as old-fashioned as trying to build a brand by repeating how good you are. 

Modern brands are built in the heads of the consumers and are a consequence of conversations.

And branding is all about building trust by seeding these conversations with relevant storytelling.

Let us tell you more about that story!

"Give us the freedom of a tight brief"

Bill Bernbach

Bill nailed it. 

The best creative output is when you have a tight brief, distinctive bounderies, in short a very clever strategy.

That is why we put so much effort in research and creating the strategy in close cooperation with the client. Because who knows the product, or service, better than her or him?

We have a process for this, called "Creative Lab". The objective of every creative lab is to get a "Grand Idea".

And...who doesn´t want...A Grand Idea?

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